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Table 4 Action points and results of actions

From: Residents' intentions and actions after patient safety education


Who needs to change?

n (% of total)

Action point,

n (% of total)

Extent of taken actions, n (% within action point)

Example of declared results

Individual professional,

42 (46%)

Improving organization of own work/Follow policies, 18 (20%)

14 (78%) fully

I adjusted my own workstation and set of tasks in order to improve patient safety.


1 (6%) partly

I tried to check the medication use of patients more frequently, but I am not doing it as often as I intended.


3 (17%) not


Improving own information transfer towards colleagues, 9 (10%)

7 (78%) fully

When I need to consult my supervisor, I always try to use the model for structured information transfer that was explained at the patient safety course.


1 (11%) partly

I did communicate in a more structured way with my colleagues, but I did not use the model that was explained during the course, although I intended to do sot.


1 (11%) not


Learning from mistakes/Reporting incidents, 9 (10%)

3 (33%) fully

I reported incidents I was involved in.


2 (22%) partly

I did signal some incidents, but I did not report them because they were related to nurses' tasks


4 (44%) not


Improving writing in patient records, 4 (4%)

4 (100%) fully

I avoid the use of abbreviations when I am writing in patient records and when I see that colleagues have used them I often spell them out for them.


Improving communication with patients, 1 (1%)

1 (100%) fully

Now I am always checking if the patient fully understands the information that was provided about the upcoming procedures.

Social context,

43 (47%)

Improving culture/Educating colleagues about patient safety, 17 (19%)

14 (82%) fully

I invited one of the speakers of the patient safety course to speak about patient safety at our department.


1 (6%) partly

I did approach colleagues about a patient safety issue but I don't believe that it has changed anything in their behaviour.


2 (12%) not


Improving communication within the health care team, 15 (16%)

4 (27%) fully

I explained the model for structured information transfer to some novice nurses of my department.


4 (27%) partly

I made a plan to introduce the model for structured information transfer at my department, but this has not been carried out yet.


7 (47%) not


Improving protocols/policies, 11 (12%)

2 (18%) fully

I wanted to know who is responsible for filling the departments' medication wagon, now I know and I if necessary I can approach this person directly.


6 (55%) partly

I have selected an article about the EWS for an upcoming presentation for my colleagues.


3 (27%) not


Organizational context,

7 (8%)

Improving hospital's digitalization, 5 (5%)

2 (40%) partly

I contacted the pharmacists to discuss the possibilities for simplifying the medication prescription system. It is still on their agenda.


3 (60%) not


Advocate for better/new equipment, 2 (2%)

2 (100%) partly

I presented the need for new equipment to the person in charge, but as far as I know no changes have been made so far.

  1. EWS = Early Warning Score. OR = Operating Room. TOP = Time Out Procedure.
  2. *Partly indicates that the resident did take action, but their goal was not (yet) reached, or not all required actions have been taken.