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Table 3 Odds ratio's for 5 age-categories, concerning differences in type of GP contact in the pre-and post-measurement.

From: What's the effect of the implementation of general practitioner cooperatives on caseload? Prospective intervention study on primary and secondary care


Intervention region

Consultation/home visit


other regions

Consultation/home visit


<12 y

OR: 5.924

95% CI: 1.178-29.800

OR: 4.714

95% CI: 1.845-12.044

12-19 y

OR: 5.886

95% CI: 1.033-33.538

OR: 1.056

95% CI: 0.245-4.540

20-64 y

OR: 1.838

95% CI: 1.313-2.571

OR: 1.291

95% CI: 0.807-2.065


OR: 1.930

95% CI: 1.045-3.565

OR: 2.187

95% CI: 0.692-6.910

>80 y

OR: 1.875

95% CI: 0.618-5.690

OR: 2.459

95% CI: 0.297-20.340

  1. Significant differences are represented in bold.