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Table 2 Enablers and barriers with associated occurrences

From: Barriers and enablers for externally and internally driven implementation processes in healthcare: a qualitative cross-case study


Codes and occurrences

Enablers Internal

Continuous learning (22 occurrences)

Systematic approach (22 occurrences)

Simulation training (20 occurrences)

Tools and technology (19 occurrences)

Dedication and ownership (18 occurrences)

Enablers External

Knowledge sharing (35 occurrences)

Coordination (33 occurrences)

Engagement (33 occurrences)

Technology and tools (31 occurrences)

Perceived relevance (29 occurrences)

Barriers Internal

Staff variety (19 occurrences)

Lack of appropriate competence (15 occurrences)

Challenges in coordination (14 occurrences)

Workload (11 occurrences)

Turnover (11 occurrences)

Coping with given responsibilities (11 occurrences)

Barriers External

Technology and tools (27 occurrences)

Workload (25 occurrences)

Standardizations not aligned with work (23 occurrences)

Extensive documentation (21 occurrences)

Lack of knowledge sharing (21 occurrences)