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Table 1 Participant screening questions

From: Between equilibrium and chaos, with little restitution: a narrative analysis of qualitative interviews with clinicians and parent carers of children with medical complexity

Participant group

Screening questions

Healthcare staff participant

1. Do you work with medically complex children?

2. Where do you work?

3. What is your role?

4. How many years experience do you have in this role and similar roles?

Parent/guardian and child/young person participant

1. What is your/your child’s diagnosis?

2. What specialty teams/care do you/your child access?

3. Where do you/your child live?

4. What is your/your child’s age*

  1. Screening questions asked of potential healthcare staff, parent/guardian and child/young person participants to ensure a purposive sample for interview
  2. * Only the age of the child was requested