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Table 2 Examples of themes obtained from respondents regarding cues to action, and message packaging according to the HBM and Gain/Loss framework

From: Attitudes and perceptions towards developing a health educational video to enhance optimal uptake of malaria preventive therapy among pregnant women in Uganda: a qualitative study involving pregnant women, health workers, and Ministry of health officials






Needed actions and strategies to improve knowledge of malaria preventive therapy in pregnancy

…Yes, educate them on television, radio, and social media. Many women have these means

Increasing awareness and sensitization on malaria preventive therapy

Providing regular health education

Improving knowledge among women regarding malaria preventive therapy

Packaging and Framing of the message of malaria preventive therapy in the video.

“the video should have well packaged key messages. You know people’s concentration, especially for the adults is very short. So, the video should be short. And should focus on both benefits and risks but more focus on benefits of taking malaria preventive therapy.

Relevancy, length, and focus of the video

Contents of an educative video for malaria preventive therapy.

Enhancing messaging of malaria preventive therapy in a video-based intervention.

Delivery of the message of malaria preventive therapy in the video.

“It’s a good innovation because, you know how people, especially those in reproductive age want to watch videos. You realize that someone can sit somewhere pick up their phone and watch the videos that they have on their phones. And if there is a TV, for example in the clinic or at home, people will watch it

Delivering the video-based information for malaria preventive therapy

Appropriate means of delivering the video-based information for malaria preventive therapy

Enhancing access to malaria preventive therapy information among pregnant women.