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Table 1 Virtual mental health support services

From: Transcending technology boundaries and maintaining sense of community in virtual mental health peer support: a qualitative study with service providers and users



Descriptive codes

Need for Virtual Mental Health Support Services

Boundaries related to accessing in-person services:

Increased need for mental health support and diminished access due to reduced in-person services

- Exacerbation of mental health issues and increased need for mental health support

- Decreased access to mental health services due to persisting lockdowns

Virtual peer support as a bridge to services

- Cost-effectiveness and convenience (free of charge, no wait time and inclusive)

- Minimal logistical requirements to access

- Improved accessibility for (a) peers with restricting illness or conditions, (b) new peers

Boundaries and Bridges relating to Telecommunication Technology for Virtual Mental Health Support

Virtual service technology boundaries

- Difficulty with technology equipment and connectivity

- Telecommunication know-how/skillset

- Some peers who previously connected in person did not join online services

Virtual service bridges: Supports provided by the organization and PSWs

- Provision of technology & connection accessibility for providers and users

- Delivering training and ongoing support

- Exhibiting flexibility in operations & programs

Maintaining a Sense of Community in Virtual Mental Health Support Services

Maintaining continuous presence and social interaction

- Transitioning rapidly to providing virtual services

- Setting up social integration opportunities/programs

Establishing multiple points of connection

- Creating a variety of virtual programs

- Adding a line of support via phone

Building on organizational and peer culture

- Volunteering by peers

- Leaning into peer values

Acting collectively

- Making decisions collectively (minimal hierarchy)

- Building capacity by pooling the staff’s expertise

Sharing lived experiences and learning together

- Sharing and reciprocating feelings

- Learning collectively through shared stories