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Table 2 Example of analysis process

From: A qualitative study of leaders’ experiences of handling challenges and changes induced by the COVID-19 pandemic in rural nursing homes and homecare services




Navigating the role of a leader during the pandemic

Personal challenges

Fear of making mistakes

Weighted down by responsibility and previous experiences

Worrying about their employees

Being “on call” for two years

Experiencing a feeling of chaos

Feeling worn out

Taking care of each other within the leader group

Challenges related to the healthcare organization

Dealing with a stressed economy

Caring for next of kin

Having to do many tasks in a limited amount of time

A lack of preparedness

Challenging access to PPE

Challenges in handling, distributing, and adapting to constant changes in information and routines

Rapid changes in information and routines from the government

Find and distribute right information at the right time

Access to information and support

Develop and distribute new routines

Enhanced responsibility for front-line employees

Working to provide security among the employees

Being visible

Ensure understanding among the employees

Handling displeased employees

Being more strict than usual with rules and routines

Adapting to constant challenges and changes

Planning for all possible scenarios

Dealing with range of unfamiliar challenges

Gaining control

Maintain adequate staffing

Introducing a range of measures to avoid spread of infection

Introducing measures to avoid loneliness among patients

Increased use of digital solutions

Having to trust oneself