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Table 1 Sample qualitative questions

From: Understanding the implementation and sustainability needs of evidence-based programs for racial and ethnic minoritized older adults in under-resourced communities with limited aging services

Select Interview Questionsa

• What evidence-based programs/interventions is your organization currently implementing? (Included list selection of common aging EBPs)

• How does your organization come to identify these interventions as evidenced-based?

• What populations (or groups) is this EBP specifically targeting or intended for?

• How do you typically evaluate your EBPs? If you could have any information that would help you determine how effective a program is, what information would that be? How would this information be helpful to you? Why is this information important to your organization?

• Did your organization modify, adapt, or specifically tailor any of the EBPs from the original format? If so, in what ways were programs modified?

• Describe typical organizational costs related to the implementation of EBPs for older adults.

• What factors have ultimately influenced or facilitated your organization’s decision or ability to deliver EBPs for older adults?

• Describe the challenges or barriers that your agency/organization has faced in implementing EBPs for older adults

• Are there unique issues to consider in implementing EBPs for older adults compared to EBPs for adults in general (e.g., any unique challenges/barriers, costs, opportunities/facilitators)?

• Are there unique issues to consider in the implementation of EBPs for minority older adults in comparison to non-minority older adults (e.g., any unique challenges/barriers, costs, opportunities/facilitators)?

• What EBPs were offered in the past five years but are now discontinued?

• Why were they discontinued?

• What would adopting an additional EBP for older adults in your agency/organization take?

  1. aFull guide available upon request