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Table 2 Exemplar quotes from the focus group participants

From: Cancer care coordination in rural Hawaii: a focus group study

CC-related challenges


Access to care

“… having your doctor change all the time and you don’t know them and they don’t know you and every doctor has their different process… “


“…but for us here specifically on [island], the revolving door of oncologists that we have all been seeing has been a little problematic.”

Insurance-related challenges

“…[insurance] initially rejected giving me the [medication], so I had to stay an additional 24 hours in Honolulu to get the shot until [insurance] finally approved giving me the [medication] so I could fly home earlier, but it’s costing me thousands of dollars… “


“…[Insurance] won’t reimburse for the travel, or the hotel, and my husband comes with me every time…”

Medical literacy

“…we were informed by his PCP that he has cancer. And then after that the PCP gave us the referral to see the oncology at [Medical Center] then that’s it. So after that, she’s out of the picture…”

Facilitators of CC


Electronic Patient portal

“[the electronic patient portal] has been awesome, it’s allowed everyone that’s been a part of my care for me to like access things, to see everything… “

Team-based approach

“… I am a [HMO] patient, so all my experiences are positive because they flew me over to Oahu to meet with the MDT, which is the Multidisciplinary Team. I was put in a room and all the doctors went there to talk to me.”

Family caregiver support

“…my dad doesn’t speak English at all–so each time, I need to go with him…if there was any problem we can always call in…”

Local clinic staff

“…What’s also been helpful has been the consistency, and I would say my infusion team has been amazing on the [island]. They are everyday heroes, I would never do that job, but every single one of them in the entire department I love! “




“…I pretty much stay on top of doctors and remind them when they come in exactly where I’m at, exactly what issues I’m having with my labs, those kinds of things…”



COVID-related challenges

“…in the middle of COVID, missing that companionship during infusion and just having to be by yourself for 3, 4 hours of treatment, I think that was the part that sucked the most. “