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Table 1 Outcomes assessed in the 2015 BHIVA Audit with inclusion criteria for patients

From: Benchmarked performance charts using principal components analysis to improve the effectiveness of feedback for audit data in HIV care


Explanation of positive outcome

Inclusion criteria for patients

Resistance done

Resistance test done and/or sample stored


VL measured

Viral load (VL) measured within past 6 months

Patients on ART

Adherence assessed

Adherence assessed within past year

Patients on ART

Medications recorded

All medication recorded within past year

Patients on ART

Hep A immune

Vaccinated or otherwise immune to hepatitis A


HBsAg known

Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) status is known


Hep C tested

Hepatitis C (Hep C) antibody status is known


CVD risk assessed

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk assessed, within past 3 years if on ART, ever if not on ART


Smoking assessed

Smoking status recorded within past two years


Flu vaccination managed

Flu vaccination recorded as done, or recorded as advised to obtain from General Practice (GP) within past year


SH screening offered

Sexual health (SH) screening offered within past year


Cervical cytology managed

Cervical cytology recorded as done, or recorded as advised to obtain elsewhere, within past year


BMD measured

Bone mineral density (BMD) measured

Age > 70 and on ART

FRAX risk assessed

Fracture risk assessed within past 3 years

Age > 50

Pneumococcus vaccinated

Vaccinated against pneumococcus

CD4 > 200 cells/mL

  1. ART antiretroviral therapy