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Table 4 Features of health facility committees attached to primary health care centres

From: Social accountability in primary health care in West and Central Africa: exploring the role of health facility committees






Health Facility Management Committee (COGECS)

Health Management Committee (COGES)a

Health Development Committee (CODESA)


1987 (first committee)

1995 (roll out in whole country)

2004/2006 updated bylaws

1990 (IB policy)

1979 first HFC, 1982 expansion

2006 (new policy)

Number of HFCs



8126 (against 8504 planned)

Catchment area of rural HFC (norm)

5000 – 15,000 inhabitants

5000 – 10,000 inhabitants

5000 – 15,000 inhabitants


9 members, elected for 3 years through general assembly; representing community, local associations, health workers and local council

9 members, elected for 2 years, representing civil society, religious leaders, women, youth. The facility manager represents the health workers.

10+ members, elected for 2 years, representing community health workers (chair), civil society and the health centre Officer in Charge (OiC). The OiC cannot be a member of the HFC executive board.

  1. Sources: Benin [25, 45], Guinea [28, 46, 47], DRC [48, 49]
  2. aAlso called “Comité de Sante et d’Hygiene (CSH) but for the purpose of clarity in this paper, the term Health Management Committee is used