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Table 6 Specificity, PPV, and NPV for receipt of any CRC-related care in VA administrative data versus EMR/QI manual data abstraction

From: The accuracy and completeness for receipt of colorectal cancer care using Veterans Health Administration administrative data

Test or Treatment

Specificity (95 % CI)

Positive Predictive Value (95 % CI)

Negative Predictive Value (95 % CI)


0.834 (0.795, 0.869)

0.713 (0.650, 0.768)

0.923 (0.890, 0.947)

Carcinoembryonic antigen

0.898 (0.851, 0.932)

0.888 (0.836, 0.925)

0.524 (0.475, 0.574)

History and physical

0.771 (0.682, 0.841)

0.949 (0.925, 0.965)

0.978 (0.917, 0.996)


0.615 (0.407, 0.791)

0.982 (0.967, 0.991)

0.314 (0.195, 0.460)

Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy

0.918 (0.891, 0.938)

0.407 (0.301, 0.522)

0.994 (0.982, 0.999)

Adjuvant chemotherapy

0.889 (0.854, 0.916)

0.716 (0.641, 0.781)

0.855 (0.818, 0.886)

Neo-adjuvant radiation

0.994 (0.982, 0.999)

0.936 (0.814, 0.983)

0.928 (0.903, 0.947)

Adjuvant radiation

0.810 (0.775, 0.840)

0.178 (0.119, 0.255)

0.977 (0.958, 0.988)