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Table 4 Three year (2007–2009) predicted costs by risk scenarios

From: Association between health literacy and medical care costs in an integrated healthcare system: a regional population based study


Health literacy






Base Model

Interaction Model

Base Model

Interaction Model

Base Model

Interaction Model

Male aged 55–64 years old, married, not disabled or service connected, non-minority, not Hispanic, with no chronic conditions and mean comorbidity score







% difference between base and interaction model

<1 %

−4 %

13 %

Male aged 55–64 years old, divorced, not disabled or service connected, non-minority, not Hispanic, with no chronic conditions and mean comorbidity score







% difference between base and interaction model

<1 %

1 %

2 %

Male aged 55–64 years old, divorced, moderately disabled, non-minority, not Hispanic, with no chronic conditions and mean comorbidity score







% difference between base and interaction model

- < 1 %

6 %

7 %

Male aged 55–64 years old, divorced, moderately disabled, minority, not Hispanic, with no chronic conditions and mean comorbidity score







% difference between base and interaction model

- < 1 %

12 %

9 %

Male aged 55–64 years old, divorced, moderately disabled, minority, Hispanic, with no chronic conditions and mean comorbidity score







% difference between base and interaction model

−3 %

21 %

13 %

Male aged 55–64 years old, divorced, moderately disabled, minority, Hispanic, heart and diabetes conditions and mean comorbidity score







% difference between base and interaction model

- < 1 %

13 %

−6 %

Male aged 55–64 years old, divorced, moderately disabled, minority, Hispanic, heart and diabetes conditions and upper quartile comorbidity score







% difference between base and interaction model

<1 %

12 %

−9 %