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Table 2 Performance objectives for behavioural and environmental outcomes: PWH

From: Using intervention mapping to deconstruct cognitive work hardening: a return-to-work intervention for people with depression

Program objective: Successful return-to-work for people with physical injury

Behavioural outcome

Performance objectives

Client is ready to RTW

1. Client identifies RTW barriers and accepts proposed treatment plan

2. Client has the work tolerance to meet minimallyrequired work hours

3. Client has physical tolerance to meet job demands

4. Client has pain management strategies

5. Client is aware of injury prevention strategies

6. Client has confidence in ability to return to work

Environmental outcome

Performance objectives

RTW plan is in place

1. GRTW schedule is designed and agreed upon by stakeholders

2. Workplace accommodations are provided

3. Client’s strengths and limitations are assessed for job match

  1. GRTW = gradual return-to-work.