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Table 3 Multivariate analysis of GP workload and job stress as predictors of practice performance; N = 239 practices. Pr > F en CI. Non significant results have been omitted

From: High workload and job stress are associated with lower practice performance in general practice: an observational study in 239 general practices in the Netherlands


Patient opinion on accessibility/availability

Organisation of surgery

Europep Patient opinion on practice management

Europep Patient opinion on GP care

Prevention & Disease Management


Estimate, CI

Estimate, CI

Estimate, CI

Estimate, CI

Estimate, CI

Total GP workload = Hours/week working as a GP

.16 ± .07*

(.020, .295)


Proportion of time spent on patient care = Hrs of patient care/Total of hrs/wk working


Actual GP-time per patient = Hrs/wk on the job/1000 patients (incl. organisation)


.45 ± .12****

(.227, .691)


Job stress


Experiencing inappropriate demands of patients


Higher commitment and satisfaction with the job


.35 ± .14 *

(-.616, -.076)

Lower experienced workload

.21 ± .09 *

(.032, .400)


.25 ± .10 *

(.056, .450)

  1. * p < 0.05 ** p < 0.01 *** p < 0.001 **** p < 0.0001