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Table 5 Item revision from the cognitive interview

From: Item generation in the development of an inpatient experience questionnaire: a qualitative study



Item modification

1. Prompt Access

Emergency admission procedure

“Following arrival at the hospital, how long did you wait before being admitted to a bed in a ward?”

Replaced by two following items:

“Following your arrival at the hospital, how long did you wait before you were examined by a doctor?

“Following examination by a doctor, how long did you wait before you were admitted to a bed in the ward?”

2. Information Provision

Information on condition, treatment & procedure

“Were you told about what to expect or feel after you had the treatment, operation, or procedure?”

Revised to the following item:

“Were you told about the details of your treatment, operation, or procedure and what you should feel after you had the treatment, operation, or procedure?”

3. Care & Involvement in Decision Making

Involvement in decision making

“Were you involved as much as you wanted to be in decisions about your care, treatment, or procedure?”

Replaced by the two following items:

“Were you involved in decisions about your care, treatment, or procedure?”

“Would you like to be involved in decisions about your care, treatment, or procedure?”

4. Physical & Emotional Needs

Staff’s care and attitude towards patient’s need

“Did you get enough help that you needed from the staff (e.g. eating meals)?”

Revised to the following item:

“Did you get enough help that you needed from the staff (e.g. eating meals, going to the toilet, and moving from/to bed)?”

5. Coordination of Care


No revision required

6.Respect & Privacy

Respect & privacy when being examined or treated

“Were you given enough privacy when being examined or treated in the A&E Department?”

Item removed

7. Environment & Facilities


“As far as you know, did doctors/nurses wash or clean their hands in between touching patients?”

Item removed

8. Handling Patient Feedback

Patient’s attitudes towards feedback

“Did you want to complain about the care you received in hospital?”

Replaced by two following items:

“Did you want to express your opinions about the recent care you received in the hospital?”

“Did you want to complain about the recent care you received in hospital?”

Added 1 new item:

“From the date of discharge until now, have you expressed your opinions or complaints regarding the care you received in the hospital?”

9. Overall Care of Health-care Professionals & Quality of Care


Added 3 new items as follows:

“How would you rate the care you received from doctors?”

“How would you rate the care you received from nurses?”


“How would you rate the care you received from healthcare assistants?”