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Table 1 SAQ factor definitions and example items

From: Swedish translation and psychometric testing of the safety attitudes questionnaire (operating room version)

Factor definitions

Example of items

Teamwork climate: perceived quality of collaboration between personnel

–Disagreements in the ORs here are resolved appropriately (i.e., what is best for the patient).

–The physicians and nurses here work together as a well- coordinated team.

Job satisfaction: positivity about the work experience

–I like my job.

–This hospital is a good place to work.

Perceptions of management: approval of managerial action

–Hospital administration supports my daily efforts.

–Hospital management is doing a good job.

Safety climate: perceptions of a strong and proactive organizational commitment to safety

–I would feel perfectly safe being treated here as a patient.

–Personnel frequently disregard rules or guidelines that are established for the OR.

Working conditions: perceived quality of the OR’s work environment and logistical support (staffing, equipment, etc.)

–Our levels of staffing are sufficient to handle the number of patients.

–Medical equipment in the ORs here is adequate.

Stress recognition: acknowledgement of how performance is influenced by stressors

–I am less effective at work when fatigued.


–When my workload becomes excessive, my performance is impaired.