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Table 2 Attitudes towards patient self-management and scope covered

From: Patient self-management and pharmacist-led patient self-management in Hong Kong: A focus group study from different healthcare professionals' perspectives

Attitudes towards patient self-management

"...In the clinic, we cannot see the patients until a few months later when they come back for follow-up. What happened in these few months? We don't know. Patients can help themselves if they know how to manage their illnesses." (Physician)

"If the disease is in a stable condition, patients should be able to self manage their own health...But if the condition is unstable or they have complications, they may not be able to take care of themselves..." (TCM practitioner)

Scope covered in patient self-management

"For diabetic patients, for example, they need to know how to self monitor their blood sugar level, understand their disease and complications...need to know about diet control and other life style modification including smoking and alcohol." (Physician)

"...They need to know how to handle their medications, such as the functions, adverse effects and side effects,... adjust their living habits to minimize the risk of complications and be able to identify situations which need help from doctors..." (Pharmacist)

"...Especially those with diabetes, they need to have diet control otherwise medication doesn't help much. Besides, they need to have regular exercise and adequate sleep to maintain good health...." (TCM practitioner)

"It's a good idea to do self-management but many patients only know that they are sick but they don't understand the diseases they have... They don't know what they can do..." (TCM dispenser)

"...Patients' emotional status can influence their health. I think family support is important, especially for elderly patients..." (TCM dispenser)