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Table 1 Baseline characteristics

From: Application of a theoretical model to evaluate COPD disease management

Baseline characteristics

Total population

(n = 189)

Completed data

(n = 150)


Mean ± SD

Mean ± SD


66 (± 11)

66 (± 11)

Lung function (FEV1)

75.7 (± 18.6)

75.4 (± 18.6)


63.6 (± 11.4)

63.9 (± 11.1)


1.68 (± 1.09)

1.65 (± 1.07)

Body Mass Index

27.0 (± 4.2)

27.1 (± 4.3)


% (n)

% (n)




65 (122)

67 (100)


35 (67)

33 (50)

Marital status


   Married or equivalent

80 (149)

81 (120)


10 (19)

11 (16)


2 (3)

2 (3)

   Never married

8 (15)

6 (9)

Educational level greater than high school diploma

24 (46)

26 (39)

Smoking status


   Non or Ex-smoker

74 (139)

77 (115)

   Current smoker

26 (50)

23 (35)

COPD severity


   GOLD 1 (Mild)

47 (90)

46 (69)

   GOLD 2 (Moderate)

40 (75)

43 (64)

   GOLD 3 (Severe)

13 (24)

11 (17)