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Table 5 Multilevel Poisson regression on factors for avoidable readmissions on the total population at risk (all acute care hospitalizations which included: avoidable readmissions, unavoidable readmissions and no readmissions)

From: Avoidable readmission in Hong Kong - system, clinician, patient or social factor?



95.0% C.I.

No. of attendance to public outpatient clinics and A&E departments in the past 12 months


(1.01 - 1.03)

No. of hospitalization in the past 12 months


(1.05 - 1.10)

Length of stay (in days) of previous linked episode that induce the readmission


(1.00 - 1.02)

Fee was not paid by public assistance


(0.87 - 1.49)

  1. Notes:
  2. (i) Regression adjusted for age, gender and principal diagnosis of previous discharge
  3. (ii) * p-value < 0.05, ** p-value < 0.01, *** p-value < 0.001, IRR refers to incidence rate ratio, CI refers to Confidence Interval