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Table 2 Components of the biopsychosocial multidisciplinary group intervention

From: Study protocol of effectiveness of a biopsychosocial multidisciplinary intervention in the evolution of non-speficic sub-acute low back pain in the working population: cluster randomised trial

GP + Nurse

2 hours

Objective: Resolve doubts, demystify concepts about LBP and promote adherence to the intervention

Theory program

▪ Basics on anatomy and biomechanics of the spine


▪ Pain mechanisms


▪ Causes of pain and predisposing factors


▪ Type of pain, mechanical, inflammatory, and severity


▪ Healthy life habits

Practical program

▪ Discuss with the participants the doubts, beliefs and myths about back pain and give positive messages

Physiotherapist 4 hours

Objective: Provide tools on exercises/postures to avoid the pain and the chronic course and improve quality of life.

Theory program

▪ Body posture and its implication in pain


▪ Ergonomics


▪ Benefits of relative rest

Practical program

▪ Diaphragmatic breathing exercises as the basis for relaxation, body awareness and postural control.


▪ Pelvic floor/gyration exercises.


▪ Propioceptive and posture awareness exercises.


▪ Strengthening exercises of the psoas and the posterior chain: Paravertebral muscles, gluteus, ischiotibial muscles.


▪ Strengthening exercises of abdominal muscles, specially the abdominal transversus, gluteus, spinal extensors and scapular muscles.

Psychologist 4 hours

Objective: Provide participants with cognitive-behavioural therapy techniques

Theory program

▪ Influences of cognitions, emotions and behaviour in pain

Practical program

▪ Relaxation guidelines and methods


▪ Cognitive restructuring (Modulation of negative thoughts affecting emotions and pain)


▪ Use of attention (Increasing attention focus)


▪ Assertiveness (improving social relationships)


▪ Problem solving (training in step by step techniques for decision making)


▪ Time organization and reinforcement of reform activities and physical exercise.


▪ Life values (increasing concordance between values and behaviour)


▪ Relapse prevention

  1. Notes: GP = general practitioner; LBP = Low back pain