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Table 2 Unadjusted risk of a cardiovascular event (5 year), mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure at 12-month follow up in the two comparison groups (AR vs NNT)

From: Randomized trial evaluating the framing of cardiovascular risk and its impact on blood pressure control [ISRCTN87597585]


Risk presented as

Risk presented as


Absolute Risk

Number Needed to Treat





(n = 205)

(n = 196)

Cardiovascular risk n (%)


12 months


12 months

0% to 9.9%

40 (20%)

26 (13%)

36 (18%)


10% to 19.9%

104 (51%)

108 (53%)

104 (53%)

109 (56%)

≥ 20%

61 (30%)

71 (35%)

56 (29%)

58 (30%)

Mean cardiovascular risk (sd)

16.4 (7.4)

18.0 (7.6)

16.8 (7.4)

17.3 (7.7)

Difference (se)

1.6 (0.3)

0.6 (0.4)

Mean systolic BP mmHg (SD)

152 (19)


157 (18)

154 (20)

Difference (se)

-0.6 (1.3)

-3.4 (1.5)

Mean diastolic BP mmHg (SD)

85 (10)

86 (9)

86 (9)

85 (9)

Difference (se)

-0.3 (0.7)

-1.1 (0.8)